Thursday, January 14, 2010

Woodstock Handmade Houses.

I think I posted about this book before I got it in stock. And then I got it in stock but couldn't blog about it again because I bought a copy for a good friend for Christmas and I didn't want her to read the post and then buy it herself, because I knew she would, because she's a big ol' hippy and would fit right into any of these houses. PHEW. Then I sold out but I just got it back in stock!!!! This is a long and exceedingly convoluted way of saying: here, look at the majesty of the book called "Woodstock Handmade Houses".


Fashion Serial Killer said...

oh shit oh SHIT those are RAD!!!!

life is happy most of the time. said...

i am only 76% hippie but yes i would live in any and all of these houses! and now i look at them every day thanks to YOU! everyone should get this book and float away into the trees and colors! xx

molly said...

majestic. majestic. it's true!