Got rained on today, not the best for coldfluplague sufferers but I do feel marginally better today. Tonight I'm going out for cheesecake. This can only help speed my recovery.
Last month on an incredibly rainy day - the lovely ladies from Corey Lynn Coulter came in and did a photo shoot here with this really cute person from the band A Fine Frenzy. Look at the whole shoot which was in and around Silverlake by clicking HERE.
Rob Pruitt does a lot more than just glitter paintings of pandas. But these are my favourites. I love the quote on the backcover of the book from Richard Prince:
"The most important thing about Pruitt is he'll try anything once. Except incest and folk dancing."
That's the Vivienne Westwood for The Rug Company cushion that I have been lusting after! Lusting after a cushion is weird! I know it! But look! It's amazing! It's delicious! It's perfection!
This photo is from Design Sponge - my friend Sabin sent me a link to this story last week and today Fashion Serial Killer (a brilliant blog I visit daily) also mentioned the site. So I thought I too would jump on the bandwagon. I've always wondered - whose band is on the wagon?
I got this from Coco's Tea Party (one of my favourite fashion blogs), I love Phoebe Philo and have spent the last decade wanting to steal her style. She always looks amazing. And her husband Max Wigram is handsome and looks like an elf (I have an obsession with men who look like they have flown in from the forest). Apparently this shot comes from French Vogue March 2010. I might have to buy it. I normally abstain because I find it hard to justify the money when I can't read the words but I might treat myself.
I am still horribly sick. I'm typing like it's my first time at a keyboard and my legs are wobbly. My head also feels like the top part has been removed and my brain could waft off at any moment. I went to NatureMart this morning and bought lots of vitamins and supplements and stuff that looks like it should make me feel better. Blurgh.
I just posted these because I like them. I finished the Patti Smith book on Sunday (v.v.v.v.good), and she mentions how Andy Warhol was an icon of Mapplethorpe's. He was the God of the NY Art World that everyone aspired to be. I got into Warhol in my twenties and read his diaries and all the books I could find on him. I don't remember much about him personally, only that I found him a bit spooky. He reminds me of the child catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
I was interested to notice how many patterns I saw in these old photos of New York. I hope this makes sense - the nasty cold I have is rendering me an inarticulate buffoon. I think Berenice is a very cool name.
I read a book in Book Club called Carter Beats The Devil. I didn't finish it. But there was a character in it called "MYSTERIOSO" - he was an evil and malevolent magician. I don't think Martin Margiela is evil nor malevolent but he sure is mysterioso. If I were taller I would obsess about the fur gilet above but because I am of stubby gnome height, I can simply admire from afar.
This is the Zapper House. It is a vacation house hat has only a few tiny windows punched in its walls, which form a crisp wedge that virtually mirrors the shape of the Alps directly across Lake Como. It was built by Marco Zanuso. I would like it to be mine.
I know I'm supposed to love Mondrian's later stuff - the lines and blocks of colour paintings that he's famous for. And I do. I just prefer his earlier stuff. The photo shows him in a "meditational" pose. I want to do Meditation With Mondrian.
I like to drink Sofia, the sparkling white wine that FFC made for this lady. I like to drink it with St Germain that makes it taste like sparkly pears. I like to drink it with a straw.
I'm not a big fan of Emin's drawings. I think it's because they can be quite graphic and they offend my Victorian-Prude-Sensibilities. That said, I absolutely love her quilts. This may be because I am a mad-old-lady-quilter myself. Mine err on the traditional side - the last I made being a William Morris one - but Emin's quilts are so fresh and contemporary. Brill.
I love Stonehenge. I used to drive past it a lot on the way to my Gran's house. But I've never got out of the car and walked up to it. I don't think you can anymore. People kept attacking it and trying to chisel off pieces so they put a rope around it but I've heard of feisty druids jumping over the rope at Solstice and communing with the stones anyway. Go Druids.
I've inhaled too much permanent marker Sharpie by mistake and feel like I've been doing loads of poppers. Hopefully it will go away soon.
1618 Silverlake Blvd, LA, CA 90026.
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