Thursday, October 9, 2008

Balloon For A Blunderbuss.

A Balloon For A Blunderbuss.

We don't normally stock children's books which is what this title is strictly categorized as, but we felt it was beautiful from a graphic design perspective.

This is off the back cover:

"Some years ago, Bob Gill (a designer) and Alastair Reid (a writer) met by accident in New York and from their combined curiosity came this book for children. Gill (b.1931) worked as a freelance illustrator and designer in New York before moving to London where he, Alan Fletcher and Colin Forbes created the design agency that became Pentagram. He later resumed his freelance career as an illustrator, designer and author. He lives and works in New York. Reid (b.1926) is a poet and a scholar of South American literature. He has lived in Europe, the United States and South America, working as a writer, translator and as a correspondent for The New Yorker."

I am not going to become a teacher anymore, and nor do I fancy a life of rock and roll on the road. I have decided I am going to be Bob Gill instead.

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