Friday, September 26, 2008

I got in a stack of these vintage design catalogues on Scandiavian Design - I think the covers are gorgeous - especially when they're all together. I have been wanting to go to Scandinavia for a while, I would like to do a fjord-tour, a tour-of-the-fjords. It would be lovely to have lots of rain and water about, and to meet people called Per and Johan. 

It seems like everybody is sickly here at the moment. All people have tickly coughs and ghostly pallors. It maybe due to some evil spawn being let loose in Southern California- like an episode of 24 - in which case hopefully Kiefer Sutherland and his preternaturally large ear lobes are racing around town trying desperately to save our skins...or there's a nasty strain of flu going around. I'm going to go with the former. I too, have a tickle in my throat and feel like my head is in a vice. I'm going to take some medicinal tonics and get back to scanning my Designs From Scandinavia.

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