Spiderwoman by Louise Bourgois.

The Fabric of Myth
Compton Verney, 2010
This morning when I left the house I walked into a giant spider's web. I did that demented dance one does when this occurs: arms flailed, head was smashed and much jumping about. It's ridiculous because an onlooker can't see why you're frantic. It looks like you've lost your mind. Then I found the spider and yelped as it started to crawl upwards. It was the size of a small petal. I am a chicken.
That first pic is SO rad. I walked into a spider web as big as me in Florida once. I nearly shit my pants. eeeek.
eeeeek! we get a lot of cobwebs that connect themselves between the two trees in the front yard, thereby completely blocking the front door. it's absolutely hilarious to see Daniel's reaction to walking through them- totally spastic! i can't help but laugh, which he doesn't really like...
youtube that bit done by ellen degeneres about trying to shoo away a bee... you'll relate completely.
and, is that book about lace? textiles? do tell. it's another one for the list.
Molly - it's a weird little book about art based on ancient myths!
Nice post thanks for shharing
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